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SubjectRe: [BUG] Suspected bug in getpeername and getsockname
>Can the user eat up more than a scheduling quantum because of the
>work done by ->getname()? I certainly don't think you can prove

That depends on what ->getname() does. Anyway
in my opinion any code which does all the processing
and then catches any error is BROKEN.

>It certainly isn't work the long discussion we're having about it,
>that is for sure.

I agree! no point

>You want this to make your broken getname() protocol semantics work
>and I'd like you to address that instead. I get the feeling that
>you've designed this weird behavior and that it is not specified in
>any standard anyways that your protocol must behave in this way. I
>suggest you change it to work without the user length being

There is no other choice but to live with it.


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