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SubjectRecompile the loop device
Hello, has anyone recompiled the loop device? I had a
problem when trying to load the recompiled loop.o into
the kernel. When I use the insmod to load the loop.o,
the system always return "loop.o: unresolved external
__put_user_bad". What is wrong? I found that the
__put_user_bad() was defined in the <asm/uaccess.h> as
"extern void __put_user_bad(void);". But I couldn't
found the source code of this function. I don't know
why. Can I define my own __put_user_bad() function in
my recompiled loop.c?

Another question. My recompiled loop.o is about 25K.
But I found that the loop.o in the
"linux/drivers/block" directory is only 15K. What is
the reason of this difference? I use the following
command line to compile the loop.c file.

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/home/mzhu/linux/include -Wall
/home/mzhu/linux/include/linux/modversions.h -c loop.c

Am I right? I can compile the loop.c and create the
loop.o successfully. But I couldn't load it.


Best regards,


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