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SubjectRe: Defining new section for bus driver init
> Attached is a patch that creates a new section for device subsystem init
> calls. With it, the root bus init calls are handled just like init calls
> - the section consists of a table of function pointers.
> device_driver_init() iterates over that table and calls each one.
> (device_driver_init() currently happens just before that pci_init() call
> above).
> What do people think about the concept?

Well, it chops out a load of ugly ifdefs, and makes adding support
for a new bus less intrusive than it currently is. I quite like it.

> I will warn that the name is kinda clumsy, but it's the best that I could
> come up with (I wasted my creativity for the day on thinking about
> Penelope). I used "subsystem" because I have alterior motives.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the subject line.
struct BusDriver also conjures up amusing[*] imagery.

One thing I'm wondering about though. Is it possible for a new
bus to be added after boot ? Docking stations etc show up as
children on the root PCI bus, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Ah! hotplug PCI USB controller ?


[*] I'm easily amused.

Dave Jones.
SuSE Labs.
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