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Subject[RFC][PATCH] cleanup file.h and INIT_TASK a bit
This patches does a couple of things: first off, it removes the sched.h 
include from file.h that was added recently, as we really don't need yet
another include file chain mess. To make this a bit more palatable, a
few of the inlines are moved out of file.h and into fcntl.c, plus the
files_struct is moved to file.h from sched.h. Since this meant adding
file.h to the various arch/*/kernel/init_task.c files, I took the time
to move the INIT_* bits for initializing the init task out of sched.h
and into init_task.h. If this is okay, please apply the patch. There
are other cleanups to do if people are interested: the #define for init_task
is currently duplicated in *all* asm-*/processor.h files to be exactly
the same thing... This is a way of testing the waters on include file
cleanups. Done properly, they shave ~10-15% off of the kernel compile
time on my machine.

Oh, the file.h cleanup exposed a mess (bug): usb.c was duplicating code
from daemonize().

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