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SubjectRe: goodbye
Also sprach Joseph Carter
>Even in those cases where broadband users are given a choice of providers,
>they have to know to ask for that choice since it is never offered and by
>exercising that choice you will usually find the price to be at least
>double if not triple - often through no fault of your chosen ISP. If you
>order DSL without your telco's ISP, you'll usually discover a great many
>"fees" they only elect to charge if you don't cooperate.

This is getting to be *very* far off topic, so I'll post this and leave
it as it, but this is a subject that's very near and dear to me...

If your ILEC is doing the above (charging you more fees for DSL if
you're using an ISP other than their affiliated one), then I *HEARTILY*
encourage you (at least in the states) to contact your state Utilities
Commission. Those actions are *blatently* illegal, and the state
utility commission is the organization that would handle that.

This advice obviously may not hold outside of the states. If you'd like
to see an example of this type of action, check out case 1999-484 at the
Kentucky Public Service Commission at

Now, let's get back to actual kernel discussions where I can be totally
lost again. :)
Jeff McAdams Email:
Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848
IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456
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