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SubjectRe: Kernel 2.5 Workshop RealVideo streams -- next time, please get better audio.
Theodore Tso wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 05:53:19PM -0700, David S. Miller wrote:
> >
> > It does not work in a relaxed "people sit at tables and comment
> > at arbitrary points in time during a talk" setting such as the
> > kernel summit. Besides putting a microphone at every table (which
> > isn't all that practical honestly) I can't come up with a solution.
> I suspect that if we're going to do this again, having a microphone at
> each table is what we'd have to do, assuming that we can keep the
> numbers of people at the workshop down to 60-70 (which will be a *lot*
> harder next time, since everyone and his brother will want to show up,
> and will therefore pester, whine, and otherwise beg the workshop
> organizers to be included onto the invite list).
> If we have a lot more people, we'll probably have to go to the two
> microphones in the aisle approach. But at that point a large part of
> the workshop will be destroyed; so hopefully we'll just be able to
> keep the numbers of people in the workshop to manageable number.

Well, another option would be to have workshops on a more frequent
basis, target the workshops on fewer areas and restrict the invitees
to those doing work in fairly closely related areas. This would
allow us to foster the synergy of teamwork. The only obvious downside
to this IMHO would be the loss of the contribution of from those
working in dissimilar areas. This might be a significant loss, since
sometimes a great solution to a problem will come from someone who
is thinking "outside the box" of the current development team.

On the other hand, we could have the annual Kernel Workshop consist
of the folks who were at this year summit and simply add other
workshops that are more narrowly targetted.

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