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SubjectRe: Kernel 2.5 Workshop RealVideo streams -- next time, please get better audio.

Miles Lane writes:
> There is one major shortcoming of the recordings.
> Usually, only the comments of the presenter(s)
> can be heard.

The problem is that nobody wants to wait for one of the microphones to
go across the entire room before they can begin speaking, this is what
was happening. Sometimes there was a dialogue going on between three
people sitting at tables, there were 2 microphones to go around...

One solution I've seen sort of work is to have 2 standing fixed
microphones in the isles, but this only really functions correctly
for a Q&A type session after a presentation.

It does not work in a relaxed "people sit at tables and comment
at arbitrary points in time during a talk" setting such as the
kernel summit. Besides putting a microphone at every table (which
isn't all that practical honestly) I can't come up with a solution.

David S. Miller
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