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SubjectA note of thanks to all
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who is participating in the debate
about CML2's slowness, language type, single- vs. multiple-apex tree, UI, and
so forth. Even the harshest critics.

While I continue to believe my design choices have been basically sound ones,
you are all doing an excellent job of helping me identify and focus on the
areas where the tools can and should be improved. This is how our
community is supposed to work, and I'm delighted with all of you, even the
most mossbacked grumbling conservatives. Keep it coming.

I should be able to work on CML2 essentially full time for the next
three weeks. You will find me responsive to further input.
<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to
liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses
in return for protection to his own.
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1814
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