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SubjectRE: SiS 630
Tamas Nagy said:

> Hello,
> I'm just wondering, whether somebody use this SiS 630 chip


I have a couple of the very small, highly-integrated ASUS CUSI-FX
with the SiS 630 chipset. One is using a PIII-866 with 133 Mhz bus and 320MB

RAM, and the other has a Celeron 300 and 66 Mhz bus with 128 MB RAM.

(Motherboard description: SiS-630E, PIII/S370, SiS300AGP shared Memory 2M
64M, Cmedia PCI Audio, 2P/ 1A/2D/2U, PC133/ VCM, SiS630E 10/100, w/ RJ45,
ATA66, Flex ATX.)

With 2.4.2-ac-?? and vanilla X 4.0.2, I have the onboard sound, VGA, IDE,
network working. The onboard video uses some of the system RAM, and the 2.4

kernels appears to detect that properly. Everything seems to work pretty
I've compiled kernels, run setiathome, and copied hundreds of megs of data
through the network, but I can't say I've _really_ stress tested them yet.

I do have some problems with the CMedia sound: when playing MP3's, XMMS will

run for a while and then just stop. That doesn't happen if I use an SBLive
instead of the onboard audio. Haven't had time to track down the bug yet.

For the onboard IDE, I'm using the generic driver, and use hdparm to turn on

DMA and 32bit. That gives decent performance. Also, the motherboard has
USB sockets, and I haven't tried those yet, but there's no reason to believe

they won't work too.

Hope that helps.

Torrey Hoffman
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