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Subjectbroken(?) Lucent Venus chipset and Linux 2.4
I have a Lucent Microelectronics Venus based modem, the Actiontec
Internal Call Waiting modem. I have been trying to get it working well
with Linux 2.4 for some time now. Theodore Ts'o, the maintainer of
the Linux serial driver, and I have talked quite a bit on the subject.
We both suspect that the Venus chipset is broken.

I have some code available at related to this issue.
First, I have an ugly patch that adds support for the Actiontec Internal
Call Waiting modem to Theodore's serial driver version 5.05. Second,
I have a simple kernel module that seems to demonstrate that the Venus
chipset has something wrong with it. The module code should be self
explanatory. To summarize, writing a value, call it foo, to, for example,
the modem's interrupt enable register and then immediately reading the
register's value does not always return foo.

If you have or have access to a Linux box with a Venus-based modem,
answering any of these questions would be very helpful:

o Does your modem work flawlessly with Linux 2.4?

o Could you run my test kernel module? If so, what are the results on
your computer?

I have been lobbying both Lucent and Actiontec to help me with this issue.
Up to this point neither has provided substantial help. However, there
is promise and I am not ready to give up yet.


W. Michael Petullo

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