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SubjectRE: natsemi.c (Netgear FA311 card) probmlems??
Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> Is anyone succesfully using a FA311 card (or anthing with a NatSemi
> DP83815 chip?)

We are working on the 2.2.x version of the driver. On our hardware,
which has the DP83815 on the motherboard, Donald Becker's version was
capable of sending packets but not receiving. I swapped some email
with him on the subject about 6 weeks ago, sent him some debug output,
but haven't heard anything recently.

Meanwhile, we are doing some work on it ourselves. A "Jocelyn Mayer"
posted a revised version of the driver which fixed some bugs but
introduced others - at least on our hardware. Check the archives.

Our version now sends and receives under 2.2.17, and is fixed to read
and set the MAC address properly (!), but tends to have lousy
performance. Large file transfers usually run at a pathetic 250
KB/s and often stall, but sometimes when the moon is in the right
phase, run at a much more reasonable 7 MB/s. We are working on it...

If anyone else out there has some improvements, I would love to hear
about them.

Torrey Hoffman

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