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SubjectRe: Voodoo 3 pci issues

>- I cannot use the 3D part of my card with XFree 4.x (it worked with
>3.3.x) it doesn't matter whether I use or not tdfx.o or whether or not I
>put a LoadModule dri in the XF86Config. Only root can run the test3Dfx
>program, and when the program finish X is restored but freezed, so I
>have to do a SysRQ-K to kill it.

Do you have something like

Section "DRI"
Mode 0666

In your XF86Config file.

>- If I try to use fbtv (watch tv in FB) the system hangs, the program
>starts, and I can see the tv on the screen, but the system is freezed.

Hum. I assume you do this on the console. Doing this in X will not make it

>- If I put a LoadModule dri in the XF86Config, I cannot use the virtual

In Section "Device" where you see Driver "tdfx" and a line

Option UseFBDev.

This should fix that problem.

MS: (n) 1. A debilitating and surprisingly widespread affliction that
renders the sufferer barely able to perform the simplest task. 2. A disease.

James Simmons [] ____/|
fbdev/console/gfx developer \ o.O| =(_)= U

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