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SubjectAPIC usb MPS 1.4 and the 2.4.2 kernel
I am running 2.4.2 as obtained from redhat, but I have experienced the same 
problems with a kernel compiled from the 2.4.2 sources at
I am experiencing troubles with enabling MPS 1.4 and USB. I have an ABIT VP6
motherboard with two stock 733MHz PIIIs.
If I set MPS1.1 in the bios then my IOmega Photoshow usb zip drive works, the
usb interrupt appears on irq 9 and after a day or two I experience a hard
(sysreq doesn't work) lock. It seems usb related since doing usb things i.e.
mounting the drive sometimes cause the lock.
If I set MPS1.4 in the bios then the usb interrupt appears on irq 19, whose
count is alway zero, and the zip drive doesn't get registered. If give the
noapic command line then things appear to work, irq=9,don't know about the
hard locks, but booting seems much slower. Of course I can provide much more
information but I wonder is this a common problem and what are the
consequences of the noapic command?

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