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SubjectNotebook disk spindown
Hello developpers,

this is a short description of a particular wish of notebook
users. Since kernel 2.2.11 the buffer flushing deamon is no longer
a user space program but part of the kernel (in fs/buffer.c).

Before this kernel release it was the bdflush-program which
could be called with certain command line parameters in order
to control flushing of file system buffers. In particular in
combination with the hdparm-program it could be used to
spin down the hard disk (e.g. of laptops) if it was not accessed.

I know that by writing to /proc/sys/vm/bdflush relevant kernel
paramters may be modified. But there are certain limits compiled
into every kernel, which have the consequence that

*a silent hard disk hard disk is no longer feasible since kernel

I have modified the constants used in fs/buffer.c to allow for
bigger time intervals between forced buffer flushings. The "patch"
may be found at .

Shouldn't Linux support hard disk spindown during periods of
inactivity? Is the tiny patch worth of being included into standard

Tim Brunne

Tim Brunne | web:
Hahn-Meitner-Institut | email:

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