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SubjectPlease help with iproute2 + nat

Please help me to solve my task with linux-2.2.x + iproute2 + nat.

I have a server which connect to world via PPP interface.

Server have several _real_ IP addresses aliased on this PPP interface.

Next, I have host X.X.X.X (somewhere in the world). When I access to this
host, _SOURCE_IP_ is MAIN IP address of PPP interface.

I need to access to this host X.X.X.X from all my IP address (by circle, for

For example, I want to remap some unexisten addresses to host X.X.X.X with
replacing the SOURCE IP address like a this:

When I connect to Z.Z.Z.1, the destination ip changes to X.X.X.X, and source
IP changes to MAIN IP address of my interface.

When I connect to Z.Z.Z.2, the destination ip changes to X.X.X.X, and source
IP changes to SECOND IP address of my interface.

When I connect to Z.Z.Z.3, the destination ip changes to X.X.X.X, and source
IP changes to 3th IP address of my interface.


Please mail me if you can help.

p.s. Sorry for bad English...
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