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SubjectIrDA and PCMCIA

That's me again :-) It looks like that I am the only person with
Dell Latitude CPt using Linux 2.4 or nobody before wrote here -- as I
can't find a solution to my problems via the web.
The next problems are:

1. When I boot up, kernel finishes booting with equally 50% chance. I
mean, that half of the times I power my system on, it hangs and the second
half -- it works. It's a bit strange. Take a look:
When it loads, some of linux kernel output is like this:
Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.11
options: [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
Yenta IRQ list 0698, PCI irq11

When it hangs, however, it displays only:
Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.11
options: [pci] [cardbus] [pm]

Without the next line. I don't know what's wrong on my side --
kernel 2.2.16 worked just fine... There is a possibility, that I'll check
later, 'cause it can be my modification to get_random_bytes that just
returns with exit code 1 instead of writing anything to the text console.

2. the second issue is not so simple. When I load some modules for
my IrDA to work:

ircomm-tty 18376 0 (unused)
ircomm 6648 0 [ircomm-tty]
irtty 5092 2
irport 4544 0 (unused)
irda 75201 2 [ircomm-tty ircomm irtty irport]

and fire up irattach and irmanager (btw, smc-ircc module doesn't
work... Maybe i've got to supply some IO addresses, but I don't know them
and it's my first day of playing with this...) with devices discovery on,
it doesn't discover anything. (If anyone want, I can check if it does emit
any kind of infrared then with my Palm, but for the tests I've been using
Nokia 7110 mobile phone). When I remove my Xircom CEM-56 PCMCIA card from
it's slot, suddenly... there is my phone discovered! And if I put this
PCMCIA card do it's slot, IrDA connection and pc card are working

What should I do? Is this a bug? If so, can I help? I am not a
coder... and I'm NOT subscribed to this list (I can't fetch it using my
28k8 dialup connection), so PLEASE CC: every mail in reply to this to

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