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SubjectRe: IrDA as a module
"Micha³ 'CeFeK' Nazarewicz" writes:
> salve,
> This may be called the next part of my previous e-mail. IrDA as a
> module doesn't work... I am getting strange information, while all the
> otthers modules work (altough I must specify the full path to them, I
> guess it's a matter of modprobe version 2.3.9... he can't find path
> automatically, and modules.dep file is empty).
> If I'm writing to bad list, tell me this now. :-)

If I were you, I'd go and get Dag Brattli's patch (Dag is the maintainer
of IrDA). It should be somewhere on the IrDA website. Between myself
and the people who have worked on it in the last couple of months, we've
fixed quite a few bugs, some of them can cause infinite loops.
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