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SubjectCan't get sysrq working in 2.2.12 kernel
I can't get sysrq working in the 2.2.12 kernel.

I've established that handle_sysrq is not being called from handle_scancode
in keyboard.c because sysrq_enabled is 0. Given that it's initialised to 1
in sysrq.c, something is obviously changing it.

The only place I've found that could change it is via kern_tble in
sysctl.c, though I haven't done an extensive search. I admit to not
spending the time to work out what the code in there is all about.

Can anyone tell me what or why that variable might be being zeroed? I can
only gather I'm doing something wrong, but I can't find anything in
sysrq.txt or in the archives on the web.


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