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SubjectTwo of my favorite oopses #2
Just a second different oops on the same kernel, 2.4.0-test5.


Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address fffffff4
printing eip:
*pde = 00003063
Oops: 0000
CPU: 1
EIP: 0010:[<c011885c>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010082
eax: f7c2d140 ebx: 00000000 ecx: dd1e203c edx: 0000002e
esi: ffffffc4 edi: c02ca5e0 ebp: dd1b3ea4 esp: dd1b3e40
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bonnie++ (pid: 97, stackpage=dd1b3000)
Stack: dd1b3ec0 dcfde8a0 dd1b2000 c0ea11e0 c014d8a2 f7c2d0a0 00000000
00000000 0000000d 00000004 c0ea11e0 00000000 00030213 00000001
f7edd998 00000008 00000010 c019f707 00000002 0000002e 00000001
Call Trace: [<c014d8a2>] [<c019f707>] [<c01309b9>] [<c014e723>]
[<c010ca96>] [<c010cab6>] [<c014f477>]
[<c013bc1c>] [<c013bd1f>] [<c010b120>] [<c010002b>]
Code: 83 7b f4 00 75 59 8b 45 ec 85 43 fc 74 51 8b 55 f8 8b 52 4c

>>EIP; c011885c <schedule+174/8b8> <=====
Trace; c014d8a2 <ext2_getblk+62/cc>
Trace; c019f707 <rw_intr+1cb/1d8>
Trace; c01309b9 <__wait_on_buffer+b9/e0>
Trace; c014e723 <ext2_find_entry+173/30c>
Trace; c010ca96 <do_IRQ+a6/f4>
Trace; c010cab6 <do_IRQ+c6/f4>
Trace; c014f477 <ext2_unlink+27/e4>
Trace; c013bc1c <vfs_unlink+124/180>
Trace; c013bd1f <sys_unlink+a7/120>
Trace; c010b120 <system_call+34/38>
Trace; c010002b <startup_32+2b/cc>
Code; c011885c <schedule+174/8b8>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c011885c <schedule+174/8b8> <=====
0: 83 7b f4 00 cmpl $0x0,0xfffffff4(%ebx) <=====
Code; c0118860 <schedule+178/8b8>
4: 75 59 jne 5f <_EIP+0x5f> c01188bb
Code; c0118862 <schedule+17a/8b8>
6: 8b 45 ec mov 0xffffffec(%ebp),%eax
Code; c0118865 <schedule+17d/8b8>
9: 85 43 fc test %eax,0xfffffffc(%ebx)
Code; c0118868 <schedule+180/8b8>
c: 74 51 je 5f <_EIP+0x5f> c01188bb
Code; c011886a <schedule+182/8b8>
e: 8b 55 f8 mov 0xfffffff8(%ebp),%edx
Code; c011886d <schedule+185/8b8>
11: 8b 52 4c mov 0x4c(%edx),%edx

NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU0, registers:
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c0208dfc>]
EFLAGS: 00000082
eax: 00000000 ebx: c02b4440 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
esi: c02ca5e4 edi: c02ca5e0 ebp: dd18dfbc esp: dd18df58
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process bonnie++ (pid: 98, stackpage=dd18d000)
Stack: dd18c000 bffff99c bffffa28 d72a4e20 00000000 c01408e9 d72a4e20
d8aaa6a0 00000000 cbc94000 cbc94000 c013bd55 c1e17a58 cbc94000
bffff99c bffffa28 bffff96c d72a4e20 f7eed8a0 cbc94000 00000000
Call Trace: [<c01408e9>] [<c013bd55>] [<c010b211>] [<c010002b>]
Code: 80 3d 00 44 2b c0 00 f3 90 7e f5 e9 9d f9 f0 ff 80 3d 00 44

>>EIP; c0208dfc <stext_lock+6dc/9b20> <=====
Trace; c01408e9 <dput+19/158>
Trace; c013bd55 <sys_unlink+dd/120>
Trace; c010b211 <reschedule+5/c>
Trace; c010002b <startup_32+2b/cc>
Code; c0208dfc <stext_lock+6dc/9b20>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c0208dfc <stext_lock+6dc/9b20> <=====
0: 80 3d 00 44 2b c0 00 cmpb $0x0,0xc02b4400 <=====
Code; c0208e03 <stext_lock+6e3/9b20>
7: f3 90 repz nop
Code; c0208e05 <stext_lock+6e5/9b20>
9: 7e f5 jle 0 <_EIP>
Code; c0208e07 <stext_lock+6e7/9b20>
b: e9 9d f9 f0 ff jmp fff0f9ad <_EIP+0xfff0f9ad>
c01187a9 <schedule+c1/8b8>
Code; c0208e0c <stext_lock+6ec/9b20>
10: 80 3d 00 44 00 00 00 cmpb $0x0,0x4400

Two penguins were walking on an iceburg. The first one said to the
second, "you look like you are wearing a tuxedo." The second one said,
"I might be..."
--David Lynch, Twin Peaks

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