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SubjectRe: [RFC][Long][Horror story] Mount flags
Alexander Viro wrote:
> Sorry for the length of that, but I really felt that the whole story was
> needed to appreciate the situation. In short, I think that there is a need
> of new variant of mount(2). Yep, new syscall number. See below for the
> reasons. Here it comes:
> Mount Flags, or
> A Story of Interace Rot.
> Once upon a time life was simple, interfaces pleasant and look at
> the mount(2) didn't raise a suspicion that Frankenstein's monster got what
> he wanted. Back then mount(2) had 3 arguments - directory, device and rw
> flag (unused, by the way). Alas, it didn't last. In March '92 mount(2) got
> a new argument - fs type. So far, so good, but the story didn't end on that -
> somewhere in July '92 msdosfs went in and brought mount(8) options that were
> obviously fs-specific. And that brought a new argument - void *data.
> sys_newmount(9), you are saying? You wish... That's what had actually happened:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Flags is a 16-bit value that allows up to 16 non-fs dependent flags to
> * be given to the mount() call (ie: read-only, no-dev, no-suid etc).
> *
> * data is a (void *) that can point to any structure up to 4095 bytes, which
> * can contain arbitrary fs-dependent information (or be NULL).
> *
> * NOTE! As old versions of mount() didn't use this setup, the flags has to have
> * a special 16-bit magic number in the hight word: 0xC0ED. If this magic word
> * isn't present, the flags and data info isn't used, as the syscall assumes we
> * are talking to an older version that didn't understand them.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * do_mount() does the actual mounting after sys_mount has done the ugly
> * parameter parsing. When enough time has gone by, and everything uses the
> * new mount() parameters, sys_mount() can then be cleaned up.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Needless to say, this interface is still with us. Nevermind that current
> kernel will simply refuse to exec() a binary from '92, the kludge is still
> there. First bunch of flags was nice and sweet: ro, nodev, nosuid, noexec
> and sync. Bits 0--4, indeed. But in January '93 we've got remount and it had
> been implemented as a new flag. It wasn't a flag, indeed, but hey, why not
> encode the action into the same argument and avoid API changes? So there it
> went and got the bit #5. And so it stayed for a while. Flags (real flags,
> that is, not remount one) were mirrored into ->i_flags of every inode and
> everyone was happy.
> In August '94 ->i_flags got two new bits - S_APPEND and S_IMMUTABLE. They
> could not be passed by mount(2), indeed. They got bits #8 and #9, apparently
> to make them visibly separate from the rest. Well, putting them at #16 and
> above might be wiser, but hey, who will ever need more than 8 (OK, 7) mount
> flags?
> In the late '95 we got an implementation of quota. And ->i_flags got a
> new bit - S_QUOTA, #7. Originally it got an inventive name S_WRITE, but
> that insanity had been fixed in '98.
> Fast-forward to October '96. POSIX mandatory braindam^Wlocking gores in.
> Since nobody wants the overhead hitting all filesystems we are getting
> a new mount flag. This time - real. OK, #6 is still free, so there it goes.
> Novermber '96, and we have one more flag - noatime. Oops, looks like
> we had made a bad choice when append-only and immutable went in. Oh, well,
> who actually cares? #10 it is.
> Originally remount could change only read-only bit. Well, mandatory locking
> and noatime also became changable, so in September '97 somebody asked
> himself why the rest didn't? At that point MS_RMT_MASK (flags that can be
> changed by remount) started to look somewhat ugly. It got worse three months
> later, when nodiratime went in (bit #11).
> In October '98 RMK noticed that remount doesn't update ->i_flags, so macros
> got uglier - now we were checking both for ->i_flags and ->s_flags.
> In April '99 unrelated events (rename() cleanup) had lead to Yet Another
> Mount Flags Ugliness(tm). This time the guilty party is known - it's me (AV).
> I needed a way to tell rename() that some filesystems need special treatment
> (silly-rename ones). Instead of putting that into ->s_type->fs_flags (after
> all, that's a property of filesystem type) I've added a new bit to ->s_flags
> (#15 - at that point we were visibly low on space; why not #16? Hell knows,
> I plead temporary braindamage inflicted by contact with NFS).
> A year later one more bit got there, this time in ->i_flags - S_DEAD. That
> time I had finally had seen the light (OK, actually I had seen the dire lack
> of space, but let's pretend that I was clever) and it went into #16.
> About the same time we've got Plan9-ish bindings. I made some noises about
> a new syscall, but they were not too convincing. For several reasons: first
> of all, the name (bind) had been already taken and bind9(2) was a half-hearted
> proposal at best. Moreover, I wanted to debug it fast and didn't want to
> change mount(8) source. So the quick kludge^Whack went in - -t bind. In other
> words, passing the thing through the "type" argument.
> The same batch of changes introduced unlimited stacking. Which looked fine
> at first, but brought a lot of complaints, arguments and finally such an
> example of misuse that drove the point through. It was an obvious exploit,
> letting any user who can mount something (floppy, CD, whatever) to drive
> the system into OOM. Worse yet, cleaning up after that was damn hard, and
> I don't mean washing the LART. That was it - we need more flags, since
> the ability to overmount must be root-only. And checks should be in mount(8),
> since it's suid-root and from the kernel POV all calls of mount(2) are
> done by root. On the other hand, the actual test for presence of another
> filesystem at the mountpoint must be left to mount(2) to avoid races.
> OK, but we also want to be able to support union-mounts at some future
> point. That means two more flags (head/tail of the union). We also want
> to get rid of the -t bind kludge, so that's one more bit going our way.
> However, currently we have only 3 unused bits - #12, #13 and #14. We can
> get more if we relocate S_QUOTA, S_APPEND, S_IMMUTABLE and MS_ODD_RENAME,
> though... OK, assume that we've done that, what do we have?
> #0 to #4, #6, #10 and #11 are used for real flags. Fine. #5 and some of
> the rest are used for "action" flags. So we can fit into 16 bits, but
> it's getting really, really crowded here. We can get a bit more if we notice
> that MS_RENAME, MS_AFTER, MS_BEFORE and MS_OVER are mutually exclusive,
> but that gets really ugly - we could fit into 3 bits instead of 4, but
> they would be spread over not-contiguous area. And we can't do anything
> about that without breaking every existing binary of mount(8). Moreover,
> we can't do anything about the 0xc0ed kludge - all kernels since '92 are
> going to send us to hell if we change that. Yes, Virginia, removal of that
> check had been overdue for some 7 years, but there is no helping to that.
> _Or_ we can do what needed to be done back in '92 and '94 and introduce
> sys_newmount(action, mountpoint, type, flags, device, data). Why "action"
> separate from "flags"? Well, see the story above. Mixing the bitmap and
> number into one integer _never_ pays. And inside the kernel we will have
> to start with separating them anyway. I could buy an argument about the
> register pressure, but damnit, it's mount(2) we are talking about. If it's
> a hotspot of your program I want to know what the hell are you trying to
> do.
> Comments?
> Cheers,
> Al
Changing mount for the reasons you cite sounds reasonable as a general proposition, I'll let others
comment on whether you picked the best possible parameters definition for mount().


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