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SubjectRe: [RFC][Long][Horror story] Mount flags
Andries Brouwer wrote:
> > Moreover, we can't do anything about the 0xc0ed kludge
> Why not? If the first bit of flags is 1, check that the
> first 16 bits are 0xc0ed. If not, decode the following
> 15 bits.

Actually, if you want to get really gross, you don't even need to sacrafice
a bit, since the MS_{RENAME,AFTER,BEFORE,OVER} only needs log2(5) bits.
So you just make the top 3 bits:

000 - plain mount
010 - MS_AFTER
100 - MS_OVER
101 - undefined
110 - old-stle C0ED mount
111 - undefined

Of course, since I've made a duggestion that gross, Al's probably going to
hunt me down, so I'm going to go hide now :-) Seriously, though, a new
mount syscall is probably the best idea at this point.

One other question though - Al mentioned that MS_ODD_RENAME should really
go into ->s_type->fs_flags... so why not move it?

% grep MS_ODD_RENAME `find . -type f`
./namei.c: if (!(old_dir->i_sb->s_flags & MS_ODD_RENAME)) {
./nfs/inode.c: sb->s_flags |= MS_ODD_RENAME; /* This should go away */


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