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SubjectOops redux (2.2.14)
A few days ago I posted a dual Oops to the list from kernel
2.2.14. The Oops occured while simultaneously blanking a CDRW
disk on an ATAPI HP7200i drive using ide-scsi, and at the same
time trying to mount an ATAPI cd reader on the same
bus/channel/cable/whatever. This is a repeatable Oops problem,
and I have not received any reply back acknowledging that anyone
even received the message.

Now, I am posting a second time because I want at least a "yeah,
the message was received, go to hell" reply at a bare
minimum. I'd prefer a "yes, got the message, am really busy,
please hold on and I'll look into it later". Or even better.

I initially should have posted to direct maintainers of
subsystems involved I suppose, but it never clicked in. So I'm
posting this message to all possible relevant people in hopes
that someone will have a chance to look into it, or at least
acknowledge they are the one to talk to.

My initial message I believe only went to lk and alan, and
probably got killed in Alan's email filter, so hopefully I'll get
further this time. I'd like to be able to use the CD reader
simultaneously while erasing a RW disk on the writer on the same
IDE channel if possible. If not possible, I would at least like
to see a "ERRNOWAY: you can't do that" printed to the console
instead of a kernel Oops.

So... Please, let me know how I should proceed here. I can
re-send the symbolic Oops report again if necessary, along with
any other relevant details. I am using kernel 2.2.16 right now,
and will try to reproduce the problem in it as well.

Thanks in advance for your time in responding, and sorry for not
hunting through MAINTAINERS in the first place (my error).


Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
Computer Consultant GNU advocate
Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate

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