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Subjectcan't mlockall() more than 128MB, is this a kernel limitiation ?

I am having problems of doing mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE) of
an app which uses about 160MB of RAM and runs on a 256MB RAM machine.
(the machine is idle , only the app is running thus I am not running out of
physical mem)

I am running as root and tried to print out the rlimit() values:
RLIMIT_MEMLOCK cur = 2147483647
RLIMIT_MEMLOCK max = 2147483647
RLIMIT_RSS cur = 2147483647
RLIMIT_RSS max = 2147483647
RLIMIT_DATA cur = 2147483647
RLIMIT_DATA max = 2147483647

Looking at the output I should be able to mlock() up to 2GB

My box is a stock Redhat 6.1 with kernel 2.2.12

Now my question: is this more than 128MB mlock() problem a limitation of the
2.2.x kernel or can it be lifted by some sysctl ?

Does kernel 2.4 have the same limitiation ?
(if yes then it's a SERIOUS limitation, because as usual our audio apps need
tons of mlocked data which must be accessible in realtime and cannot be swapped

Or am I simply doing something wrong ?


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