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SubjectRe: xmms and es1371 produce static impulse about five times per second
| From: Alan Cox <>

| To:

| > because of misbehavior of xmms. I amd forwarding it to linux-kernel
| > because I didn't notice the problem until after I upgraded from 2.2.16 to
| > 2.4.0-test5. I am using the stock es1371 module.
| Seen with assorted cards. Seems to be a VM problem not a driver problem

Interesting. Here is a bug report I recently made. Is this related?

Subject: es1371 noisy on my system

Problem summary: sounds played on my system becomes very distorted
when there is another process using a lot of CPU, even if it is niced.


- Red Hat 6.2 with Red Hat's version of 2.2.16.

- the last entry in the change history in
/usr/src/linux-2.2.16/drivers/sound/es1371.c is:
* 05.01.2000 0.22 Should now work with rev7 boards; patch by
* Eric Lemar,

- Abit BP6 with 2 Celeron 300a CPUs running at 450MHz (stable, honest!)

- A one year old version of the Sound Blaster / Ensonic card.
/proc/pci says:
Bus 0, device 17, function 0:
Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 (rev 6).
Slow devsel. IRQ 19. Master Capable. Latency=32. Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.
I/O at 0xb000 [0xb001].


- sound is OK (slight crackling) when nothing else is happening on system

- when one CPU-intensive process is run at the same time, the sound is
bad, but can be understood. Even if the process is "nice -19"

- when a second CPU-intensive process is run at the same time, the
sound is almost totally distorted.

- these observations apply even when I change music playing programs.
I tried:
- xmms
- mpg123
- play applied to a PCM file produced by mpg123 -s

Hugh Redelmeier voice: +1 416 482-8253

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