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SubjectRe: Xircom PCMCIA problems
On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Keith Owens wrote:

> There is a timing problem when the driver sets the MAC filter for the
> card. Under some circumstances that we could never track down, the MAC
> filter would not get loaded into the Xircom. Without a valid MAC
> table, the card does not respond to its own MAC address, only to
> broadcasts. We could not find any method of querying the Xircom to see
> if the filter had loaded correctly.
> Switching the card into and out of promiscuous mode
> ifconfig eth0 promisc
> ifconfig eth0 -promisc
> usually fixes the problem. Leaving promisc reloads the MAC filter.
> This problem is completely random. I can boot my laptop for days on
> end without any problems. Then I will get 3 problems in one day.

This seems to be a different problem...the card in this case is never
initialized on the first try, and always works properly after an
up/down. These lines in my network init script work everytime:

ifconfig eth0 netmask up
sleep 2
ifconfig eth0 down
./ifup eth0

(before I thought just telling eth0 to come up worked, but it does
actually need to be assigned some ip address and the sequence doesn't work
with anything less than a "sleep 2" before eth0 is brought down)

This is using the tulip driver, but I also noticed while trying various
things that the xircom tulip driver won't see the
card without the xirc2 driver there.

Would it be an extremely Bad Thing for the xircom tulip driver to pre-init
the card; in other words put it in and out of promisc mode then drop it
again on init? One hell of a kludge but I suppose it would "look" better
for a 2.4 release if the driver worked on the first try.

On a side note the windoze drivers appear to do something similar on boot
for this card....the carrier led flashes up/down/up/down/up before finally
staying on (not that i'm saying the windoze drivers are doing it
"right" but would be nice to know what else is going on there..)


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