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SubjectDell Inspriron 5000 and 2.4.0-test3-pre4
Well, I've been testing and trying devel kernels on my Dell Inspiron 5000 since
early in the 2.3.99-pre series. Typically I've been forced to go back to the
2.2.x series of kernels. I had given up for a while, seeing that many of the
problems I was having were also being reported by others.

Will in looked like things had quited some for laptop users so over the last few
weeks I've been trying the 2.4.0-test series, staring with around test1-ac22 and
currently running test3-pre4. Things are much better and the system is now
actually very usable but I'm still having a few problems that I just can't seem
to narrow down so I thought I'd post here and see if others have any
suggestions. First my hardware:

Dell Inspiron 5000, Intel Pentium III Speedstep 600/500 Mhz, 256 MB RAM, 18GB
internal IDE drive, ATI Rage Pro Mobility AGP display, Xircom CBEM-56 Cardbus
10/100 Ethernet/56K Modem, Toshiba Internal IDE DVD-ROM.

The dist is RH 6.2.

OK, now the problems:

1) The Xircom adapter works properly and loads up correctly during boot after I
downloaded and compiled the latest pcmcia-cs-3.1.17 and made a few minor changes
to the startup script. Unfortunately, removing the card causes an oops and hard
lock. If I manually stop the card I can then remove it without problems. This
appears to be a problem in the xircom_tulip_cb driver but I'm not sure. If I
simply ifconfig eth0 down and rmmod the modules I can also remove the card
without problems.

2) APM problems. I have APM compiled as a module and it seems to work
properly. The Gnome applet track my battery usage and knows when I'm on AC or
not. I can sleep the machine, however, when I attempt to wake up it appears to
go through the normal sequence, the screen returns, the NIC card LED's light up,
but then the mouse hangs and that's it. I have not yet attempted to use ACPI on
this machine, but can do so if anyone thinks that will fix it. I can't really
imagine that I need any of the features of APCI, but it would be nice to be able
to shut the lid, move offices, and return to my work, shutting down each time is
a pain.

The APM problems may not be related to the 2.4.x kernels as it give nearly the
exact same symptoms with both stock RH 2.2.14 kernels and custom compiled 2.2.16
kernels (I've tried every compile option under APM with no real change in

These are really my last two problems with 2.4.x and I'd like to get them
resolved. Anyone have any ideas how I could troubleshoot this problem? I'm
guessing the first thing is to copy the oops and see what's hanging, but thought
this might be a know issue. I'll gladly help troubleshoot this problem.


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