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Subject[SEMI-OT] partition table recovery (URGENT)
 After a bad manipulation, I lost my partition table...

I know it could be possible to recover it if I had written down the type,
begining and ending blocks of
each partition, but unfortunatly that's not the case.

So I desperatly need to know if there's a way to get this information by
scanning the device (*) looking for a special string (?) identifying the
begining block of my ext2, swap, and FAT32 partitions ?

my setup was :

hda1 : FAT32 (about 2.5 Go)
hda2 : swap (about 128 Mo)
hda3 : ext2 (about 2 Go)

The only partition I really care about is the ext2 one, so if there's an
ext2 guru out there...

If someone knows a way to do it or the URL of a tool that can acheive
this, please let me know.

(*) using something like cc-linux to cat the raw contents of /dev/hda

Vincent Vanackere

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