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Subject[PATCH] input fix

As I pointed out earlier the kernel will fail to compile if you select
a joystick and don't select usb/input support. I submitted a patch before
but it wasn't accepted. So I made a much more watered down patch to fix
the problem. The plan is to submit a bunch of smaller patches instead of
one big one.
This patch creates a input directory which allows you to select input
support without having to compile usb support in. This patch then only
allows you to select a joystick you want when you have selected to use
the input drivers. Right now only usb drivers are in the input directory.
Even watered down its a good size. The files in the usb directory are a
good size.

Q: Why did they deprecate a.out support in linux?
A: Because a nasty coff is bad for your elf.

James Simmons [] ____/|
fbdev/console/gfx developer \ o.O| =(_)= U
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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:57    [W:0.029 / U:0.424 seconds]
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