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SubjectCapabilities primer

Let's assume that I want to write a small wrapper that runs apache with
UID foo and GID bar in a chroot jail with the capability to bind to a
port < 80.

Thus, I need a way to start a process with UID foo and
cap_net_bind_service, right?

There are packages to do this, but

- suexec always says "permission denied"
- compartment only allows capabilities on uid 0 processes.
The documentation says that "this will change with 2.4.0".
I am using 2.4.0-test2.

Um, what now? The capability FAQ recommends that I edit the kernel
sources to give /sbin/init the cap_setcap capability. I don't want to
give all processes this capability and I don't have a special init, so
this does not fix anything.

Do I fail to understand something here? I thought the was the very
reasons why capabilities were implemented in the first place? We had
securelevel for the other use case.

But then, maybe I'm just too dumb and need some cut-and-paste examples
on how to use capabilities for something useful. ;-) Please go ahead
and email them to me.


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