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SubjectBug: DVDs? in 2.4.0-test*
Anyone aware that DVD support seems broken between 2.3.99 and 2.4.0-test1?

Works fine with 2.3.99 (which revision I don't remember but I can find out).
With 2.4.0-test1 and 2.4.0-test2 I can get the directory but any attempt to
read a file from a DVD (Suse installation on a DVD being the noted test case
since reading DVD disks for video is futile) fails with an input/output

The error says that the requested sector or something is beyong some limit of
18000 .. something. If exact message is needed, further testing, or
whatever, just email me. I'm guessing someone knows about where it was
changed and why it broke though and is slapping themself on the head saying
"oops, I'll fix it later"

Also, in 2.4.0-test1 the ide-floppy driver wouldn't compile as a module, and
almost all modules give compile errors (looks like a compile bug though -
unused function in the init() and exit() code of the module). I usually
compile my kernel with alot of stuff taht is infrequently used as modules,
but stuff that is in constant use compiled in for speed - like AGP support :)

And this has been asked before, but why doesn't the linux kernel set up the
drive to use DMA by default? I have generic pci dma on, the via chipset
support on, and the use dma by default on, and I even tried the ide0=autotune
and the ide0=dma flags, but I stuck hdparm -c 1 -d 1 into rc.local to make it
work. Linux does detect the VIA chipset, its fifos, and that all teh drives
are DMA capable, and that the BIOS has them in DMA mode, but hdparm is needed
to turn it on. This doesn't sound like The Right Thing to do, but drive
speed (measured with hdparm) goes from about 4-5 MB/s to about 15MB/s (the
IBM being a bit faster than the WD for otherwise identicle 7200rpm UDMA66
drives) when using 'hdparm -c 1 -d 1' And its the DMA support that helps,
the -c 1 I threw in cause 32 just looks better than 16 :)

-- Evan

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