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Subject2.4.0-testX and 2.3.99's... unmountable rootfs after all processes dead
I haven't thought much about this because 2.4.0-test and 2.3.99 were test
kernels, but every time I shut down, these kernels do not seem to be able
to umount my root partition, and have to fsck every single time. Even if
I goto singleuser mode and kill all the running apps and rmmod everything,
it still doesn't let me mount my hd readonly. 2.2.16 works fine though, I
can kill everything and it will umount fine. My base system is redhat6.0.

Any ideas what's going on? I'm not getting any oopses or anything, but
something seems to still have a filehandle open (a kernel
process?)... How can I tell what it is?


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