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SubjectBlock Layer File/FS Replication?
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Howdy folks,
<p>I'm trying to impliment file system replication at the block level.
So far, from what I can see, Coda is my only way of going. While Intermezzo
looks to do exactly what I&nbsp;want, it is not mature enough yet.
<p>I've been thinking about in the interim, writing a quick block level
replication module.&nbsp; But I'll be damned if I&nbsp;can decide on the
best way of doing so.
<p>I've been tossing around the following Idea.
<p>1. Make every block update availabile via a pseudo-device, /dev/rep0
- n.&nbsp; Each minor in this case could represent an individual&nbsp;
(configurable) file system.
<p>2. Add an additional system call, which would update FS blocks based
on a parameter, which would contain the block data, inode, and an offset.&nbsp;
Proc file to start/stop replication.
<p>3. Lastly, write a user space network aware daemon to read from the
pseudo-device, and transfer block information to a (multiple) servers running
<p>Granted, FS and block size would have to be the same on both ends, but
that's trivial.&nbsp; I've also tossed around the idea of using raid 1over
a network block device, but I see visions of caching issues with that one
<p>Any thoughts?
Jeff McNeil
Sr. Systems Engineer
Interland, Inc.
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