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SubjectRe: IBM Netvista problem / help
: I would have guessed that empty_8042: in linux/arch/i386/boot/setup.S
: was looping forever, but it now has a (long) timeout,
: so my next guess is that the processor can't enable (gate) A20
: ON successfully (depending on the chipset being used).
: For some newer chipsets, I reposted a patch to do this
: Monday (7/17/2K). This patch was originally posted by
: Jesse Off (see the attachment) last year, so its line
: numbers are probably off a small bit, and it uses
: Intel asm syntax instead of gas :(, but for a 2-liner,
: it shouldn't be difficult to correct.
: If this patch would fix the Netvista problem, the "problem"
: then is applying the patch and building it on another
: system and then transferring the kernel to the boot disk
: (or boot floppy; does it have a floppy?) of the Netvista.

Okay, I finally got a USB floppy drive in here and, although I don't have a
Linux system on there, I just decided to boot a number of kernels and see which
ones work.

The latest 2.2 kernel I could find, 2.2.17pre13 hung after doing this:

Uncompressiing Linux...

invalid compressed format (err=2)

-- System halted

This is the same kernel image I'm running on my other computer right now and
I've put the floppy in two other computers and it works fine there.

So, I went to 2.4.0-test5 and tried it again - almost the same error. There's
a pause between the Loading line and the Uncompressing line on the 2.2 kernel
of about 3 minutes and on the 2.4 kernel it just pauses for a long time after
the Loading and then reboots. These are both with USB compiled as a module
but not loaded. I was going to try compiling it in next.

Matthew Harrell Behind every great computer sits
Bit Twiddlers, Inc. a skinny little geek.

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