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SubjectAll this IDE raw ioctl access and probably SCSI as well

That's what I propose:
- add CAP_RAW 2-line patch to the pre- kernel now (and then to 2.2.17).
- add an option to the stating "IDE raw command interface",
which defaults to "yes" (like with 1394). The same with SCSI probably.

- put code in the kernel to do things which are now covered by this ioctl
(the things hdparm etc. uses)
- and change default option to "no" (it should be possible to
build it as a module as well, in case user don't want to reboot the
machine to use diags tool).

It would avoid putting crappy filters in the kernel (which do nothing
to secure the system, except that they make place for bugs to be
introduced). And it would remove "dangerous" (not that I see any danger)
and possibly _unneeded_ interface if not selected in kernel config.
Krzysztof Halasa
Network Administrator

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