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SubjectRe: disk-destroyer.c
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Andre Hedrick wrote:

> At his point I do not give a damn about data, fs, backups......
> This is pure hardware destruction that anyone can do.
> Why is this such a big fight?

Because you're presenting it as a big deal and you're presenting a
"solution" that is and can only be a minor deterrent.

I for one am not at all surprised that there's a way for root to break a
drive. I expect there are plenty of other ways too. I know of ways to
destroy DIMMs and the X man pages warn about damaging your monitor with
bad mode lines. VA Linux has a note on their hardware burn-in test suite
page that they've had instances of machines catching on fire.

> Does everybody want the kernel to be able to screw itself just by
> blinking?

No, of course not, but we also don't want to make large changes to the
kernel to paper over a hole that we can't cement closed. Especially now.

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