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SubjectRe: disk-destroyer.c
> This is the EXACT same argument that Andre/lkml is fighting over.
> Either you accept both arguments or neither argument. IMHO you'd have
> to be really stupid to accept neither argument. Choosing to accept one
> argument and not the other is not only inconsistent, but non-sensible

While there are indeed a few people saying this shouldn't be included
in the kernel etc, I think the main point most people are trying to
make is 'what\'s the big fuss about?' Yes, root could clobber his
system. Yes, that's a bug, and most of the poster to these threads
prolly agree with that. However, it's not the worst bug that's ever
crossed the kernel (*cough* cap bug *cough*) and most people on the
list where probably just wondering why andre made such a big thing of
it, because as far as I can see it's still just a missing check
somewhere in the kernel. Yes, it can be disastrous if the bug is
triggered, but it can only be done accidentally, and the chances of it
happening are slim to say the least.

I for one would be very happy if andre decided to submit his patch,
imho it does definately belong in the kernel, but what it is and it's
proportion should be kept clear.

> and you should probably be shipped off to see the men in white coats.

Many people should, but I sincerely doubt that has any relevance to
their ability to develop good software.


Frank v Waveren
ICQ# 10074100

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