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SubjectRe: The big IDE fight in a different light

[Andre, sorry for over-the-head reply]
On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Andre Hedrick wrote:

[Scott wrote:]

> > I understand the argument that if you are root, you can do anything you
> > want. But remember also that most hacker kids do not understand the full
> > potential of their root access. Most hacker kids cannot write ioctl()'s

OK, I'm pissed off enough. It's a bullshit argument for a very simple
reason: want me to send the pre-canned code that does right bit-banging to
the rootshell? Script-kiddies _can_ run prebuilt code and there's always
somebody writing it. Sooner or later. Security through obscurity does not
work. So all references to script-kiddies are at best clueless, at worst -


> > So don't try to convince me that *I* am wrong by giving me technical
> > spew. It won't work. And it won't work for the many other users out
> > there. Make your decisions based on what the USERS will say, not on
> > technicalities. It's your ass on the line. We can always go back to
> > Microsoft if we want.

What makes you think that somebody cares what tools do you prefer to use?
If you want decisions based _not_ on technicalities and are willing to
deal with consequences of such attitude - Microsoft looks like an ideal
variant for you, use their products by all means.

PS: Andre, again, my apologies - looks like I've deleted the original
posting of our blackmailer-wannabe friend, thus the reply over the
head. Obioctl() - could somebody actually show which programs are using
it? If none - out it should go, those who want it can do the thing from
userland via /dev/port.

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