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SubjectRe: get*name() hack?
In message <> you w
> Hi,
> A few questions from one mostly scared of the networking
> code:
> Does the transproxy getsockname() hack still work under the
> new regime? If not, what do we do these days?
> What did the getpeername() hack do?

I meant getsockname(), sorry (where did you read this, so I can fix
it?) Transproxy hacks gone. Yay! See below for example of new
stuff (thanks to Patrick Schaaf).

> What's the new stuff called? Is it just called Netfilter, or
> is it called "iptables, which happens to use the Netfilter
> infrastructure"? Or something else?

`iptables, which happens to use the Netfilter infrastructure'.

/* nf_getsockname() - netfilter SO_ORIGINAL_DST variant of getsockopt()
* Within the new Linux netfilter framework, NAT functionality is cleanly
* separated from the TCP/IP core processing. In old days, you could easily
* retrieve the original destination (IP address and port) of a transparently
* proxied connection by calling the normal getsockname() syscall.
* With netfilter, getsockname() returns the real local IP address and port.
* However, the netfilter code gives all TCP sockets a new socket option,
* SO_ORIGINAL_DST, for retrieval of the original IP/port combination.
* This file implements a function nf_getsockname(), with the same calling
* convention as getsockname() itself; it uses SO_ORIGINAL_DST, and if that
* fails, falls back to using getsockname() itself.
* Public domain by Patrick Schaaf <>

#include <errno.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>

int nf_getsockname(int fd, struct sockaddr *sa, int *salen)
if (*salen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if (0 == getsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, sa, salen)) {
return 0;
return getsockname(fd, sa, salen);
Hacking time.

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