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Subjectknfsd oops (2.4.0-test1) and tulip weirdness
	Has anyone else encountered any problems with knfsd in 2.4.0-x?  i was
just wondering so i could try and pin down whether it's something i'm doing or
is a known problem with knfsd at this time. If anyone's interested in details,
read on.
Using an Intel box (Pentium Pro w/128MB RAM & 10bT NE2000 ISA NIC) as
an NFS server (using knfsd w/v3 support enabled) to serve multiple dirs on the
same partition to one Alpha (Multia w/64MB RAM & 10bT built-in ethernet),
using kernel NFS client support (w/v3 enabled). Both are running 2.4.0-test1
(i know, i should have a more recent version) with RTLinux patches applied
(which i haven't ruled out as a cause yet).
Kernel oops and corresponding ksymoops decodes available upon request.

Also, as a sort of postscript, but completely off subject note, i've
had a weird experience with the tulip driver and card in the Alpha. 'lspci'
says it's a Tulip ("DECchip 21040 [Tulip]"), but the tulip driver produces
weird results, ie disabling the interface when ifconfig tries to set it up.
Not really much to worry about as the de4x5 driver seems to work just fine in
it's place. More details available upon request for this one as well in case
this story tweaked anyone's interest.

Nathan Paul Simons, Programmer for FSMLabs

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