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SubjectCache coherency... and locking

Suppose I have a variable (a global int) that I'm going to read alot but set
infrequently. By my understanding, on x86SMP, it uses a Exclusive/Shared/Invalid
Bus protocol that when one processor changes a cache entry, all the other
processors are sent invalidates for that cache line. So is it wrong to
assume that if the only operations are the above, read frequent, and write
rarely, I don't need locking?

What about other platforms? If it is needed for say platform 'x' but the lock
isn't needed for platform x86, how is that handled? No reason to go through
a lock. If I am a running process, and I am looking at say, my audit mask,
do I need to lock it? Am I correct in assuming that the worst that could
happen would be I catch it while someone else is writing it for 1 call
and get only a partially written mask back? I know the writer has to at
least lock some part of the process so the process won't "go away" in the middle
of the writer fiddling with it, but other than that, do I need any special
locking on the mask itself?


Linda A Walsh | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI | Voice: (650) 933-5338

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