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SubjectRe: F*ck*ng japanese garbage postings and possible HACK.
Johan (et al),

kernelnotes is broken - it doesn't deal properly with the language of over
126 million people. "offending characters" is offensive in this context.

Spam is evil (and spammers are first against the wall when the revolution
comes), but this thread is missing the point. Spam != language support. Many
recipients will now block Japanese posts due to a persistent and annoying
spammer. This is - in my opinion - monumentally stupid*. In my freemail
account I use when I am at conferences or Internet cafes contains 20 spams
since yesterday. All are in English. Shall we ban ASCII and ISO-8859-1
postings? This is the utter stupidity of this line of argument.

Get with the program.

haben Sie Spaß,

Andrew van der Stock,
SAGE-AU President

* I do not conduct ad hominem attacks, but realistically, we're talking room
temperature (centigrade) IQ levels when banning an entire language is the
best "solution" the collective minds of lkml can come up with. We're better
than this.


"Johan Kullstam" <> writes:

check out how kernelnotes mail listing in netscape goes nuts after it
hits one of these japanese spam land mines. you can still read it,
but the subjects are in italics and each post has a bunch of empty
lines after it.

for example

however this might better be fixed over at kernelnotes to make its
maillist -> html script expunge offending characters.

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