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SubjectCheckpoint/Restart on Linux with sockets?

there was a thread "Process Migration on Linux - Impossible?" in 1997 at
this list. At this thread they did discuss about the question, if it's
possible to implement process migration into Linux. The main summary for me
was, that if it's possible, then better do freeze the process - checkpoint -
and restart it at this checkpoint. I've read most of the messages (and some
papers related to - MOSIX, Condor and Migration in Sprite) but even missed a
discussion about handling of other kernel states like network sockets.

Imagine, there is executing a ftp server on a Linux box. Sometimes the
box should be going down. How difficult would it be to implement mechanisms
into Linux such that the ftp server could move to another machine (perhaps
with checkpoint/restart) without cutting open connections?

Frank Mehnert
## Dept. of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, Germany ##
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