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SubjectLogitech iTouch (internet Keyboard on Athlon) locks up, is it a bug?
I always thought it was a Problem with just my System: (Athlon 750 on
ABIT KA7, with Logitech internet Keyboard)

after using the console for a while my machine stops accepting
keystrokes. just in console, not in X.
after waiting for about 5 minutes it works again. I'm running Debian
potato with 2.4 test2 Kernel.

I tried to install an older RedHat on a friend's Athlon and he had the
same problem. (Hardware and Linux Versions ,completely different from
mine, except for the Athlon and the Logitech Keyboard).

I don't have the time or skill to find out what the problem is, so I
Jjust hope someone more knowledgeable than myself is concerned enough
about the problem to work on it. all I know for sure is that using a
different Keyboard solves the Problem.

I'd appreciate it if I could have CC of any answers directly concerning
this message.


Felix Maibaum

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