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SubjectNo help for sym53c8xx
I've got:

K6 III 450
Asus P5AB
IDE Harddisk - Quantum CX10 (10GB)
SCSI Controller - Tekram DC310U (sym53c860) (0, 7, 0) auto
SCSI CDROM - Plextor 32X (0, 1, 0) terminated
SCSI CDRW - HP 9210i+ (0, 2, 0) not terminated
SCSI Iomega Zip 100 External (0, 5, 0) terminated

RedHat 6.2 - Kernel 2.2.16-3

When I use gcombust or cdrecord (latest version 1.8.x) under
X11 I've got timeout errors on blanking CDRW or fixating
CDROM/CDRW the SCSI bus got reset. If I use the same program
(cdrecord) under init 3 or init 1 this work fine.

I've try to use latest sym/ncr scsi driver update, but instead
of get timeout my machine freeze and I've to reset it.

Please help me
Angelo Rossi

P.S.: I've also written to Mr. Gerard Roudier in date 13/07/2000
at without a reply.

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