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SubjectNew OBD filesystem release
                        OBDFS v0.004 Released
March 9, 2000

The latest test version of OBDFS has been released at
OBDFS is an Object-Based Filesystem architecture which is part of the
Lustre project. OBDFS separates the handling of storage objects, such
as files or redirectors to files from the on-disk storage. This
allows easy implementation of logical object drivers such as RAID,
clustering, snapshots, and remote device access.

WARNING: this is experimental software. Read the file COPYING for
warranties (not) made to you. Also back up your data!

OBDFS works with the Linux kernel v2.3.34 and later. The on-disk
storage format is ext2. We have implemented a filesystem/VFS driver,
the on-disk ext2 driver, as well as a logical snapshot driver which
allows one to mount a single device multiple times with different
dated versions of the files in each mount point, based on a copy on
write scheme. There is also an RPC logical driver (remote device
access) under development which is not yet included in this release.

This file system is 100% page cache based (including metadata), and
until there is a memory pressure callback scheme between the kernel
allocator and file systems, your system can hang when the file system
has allocated very many dirty pages in the page cache in a short time.

More information is available at

Since v0.003 was released, the following changes have been made:

- OBD interface specification document
- page write cache in filesystem greatly improves write performance
- kernel daemon to manage cache based on I/O load
- auto loading of class driver modules
- many bug fixes

Note: there is recovery (e2fsck) for OBDFS by itself, but NOT for
OBDFS with snapshots. We hope to be in a position to pursue journal
based recovery for this file system.

You can download this latest stable (numbered) release of OBDFS at:

Incremental (dated) releases (which may be less stable) are available at:<date>.tgz

Or you can download the bleeding-edge code from anonymous CVS via:

cvs -d login
cvs -d co obd

There are mailing lists at for
discussion and questions about OBDFS. Please contact Peter J. Braam
<> or Andreas Dilger <> for more

Andreas Dilger \ "If a man ate a pound of pasta and a pound of antipasto,
\ would they cancel out, leaving him still hungry?"
-- Dogbert

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