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Subjectstruct packet_type.func() prototype

during my working on the syncppp.c modifications I tried
to dig into the way input packets are processed. I have two questions
about the struct packet_type, and its input processing function
- the struct packet_type.func(), which is defined as follows (in

int (*func) (struct sk_buff *, struct net_device *, struct packet_type *);

The first question is - what is this function expected to return?
Most instances of this function simply returns zero. This function
is called from several places in linux/net/core/dev.c, but the return value
is ignored.

And the second one: What is the third parameter for? It seems it is
always called with the struct packet_type * corresponding to
skb->protocol. Syncppp and ipv4 do not use this parameter (according
to quick look at the source code, I might have missed something).



\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at>
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