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SubjectRe: drivers/net/ cleanup (Was: 2.3.4[89] fail to probe/id IDE properly (long))
On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 05:08:05PM +0100, Rask Ingemann Lambertsen wrote:
> Den 07-Mar-00 15:57:19 skrev Tim Coleman følgende om "Re: 2.3.4[89] fail to probe/id IDE properly (long)":
> > Wouldn't it make more sense to separate it into separate chunks
> > and *then* check for CONFIG_PCI before offering CONFIG_NET_PCI?
> IMHO it would.
> The difficulty is that several of the drivers support more than one bus.
> Some of the combinations that I think I've seen are:
> ISA only
> PCI only
> EISA only
> MCA only
> ISA and PCI
> EISA and PCI
> MCA and PCI
> So it would be necessary to go through each driver and check which
> busses it supports.

Right. I did include that in the diff. When a card was supported
under more than one bus, I included it under both, with the comment
changed slightly to say the bus type if appropriate.

The only issue I see is that one might be confused to see the same card
in two different places when building a kernel. But the alternative
to this is to allow the selection of a particular card in one place
by putting in a check to see if that card is only selected, which would
cause confusion if you had the same card on two different busses
(a close-to-zero chance, but you never know). Maybe a comment would
suffice in that instance.

Another thing that could be done is having different CONFIG_ options
for the same card on different busses but that would seem to be
exaggerating things a bit since there are really no differences.


Software Developer/Systems Administrator/RDBMS Specialist/Linux Advocate
University of Waterloo Honours Co-op Combinatorics & Optimization
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