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SubjectRe: CIPE and 2.3.49 (success I believe) (Heads up Russel of Netfilter, Alan Cox, Dave Miller, Olaf Titz)
Yes, bad form and all responding to my own reply, but here are the few
differences between the CIPE implementation and using the new
skb_copy_expand. As far as I can tell there are no real differences and
all of the n->whatever = whatever would be redundant save maybe the ones
listed below or the length calculations.

n=alloc_skb(newheadroom + (skb->tail - skb->data) + newtailroom,

struct sk_buff *n=
alloc_skb(skb->len+max_headroom+max_tailroom, GFP_ATOMIC);

Are (skb->tail - skb->data) and skb->len the same?

Also, what is the difference between gfp_mask and GFP_ATOMIC?

If these are not problems, then the few nulls, offsets, and 0s in the
n->whatevers = value stuff must be the trick.

Trever Adams
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