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SubjectRunning 2.3.99-pre3 headless doesn't create tty<n> devices???
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[Please Cc: me as I'm not subscribed. Thanks in advance.]


I've just gone from 2.2.13 to 2.3.99-pre3 with only a few problems. One
thing that I noticed AFTER I had re-assembled the box (don't ask whether I
had to take it apart) and put it back into the closet is that if you run it
headless (i.e. without a keyboard and VGA card and without even a serial
console) it doesn't create tty1, tty2, etc. devices, such that my console
gettys run amok.

I now have temporarily disabled them in inittab, but I'd like to change the
kernel's behavior like it was in 2.2.13. This latter kernel would create the
tty? devices even when there wasn't any (VGA or serial) console available.

How would I accomplish this in 2.3.99-pre3? Any work-around?



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