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SubjectRe: Cylinder limits jumper for drives over 32GB
    From Sat Mar 25 02:31:05 2000

> [So these error messages come precisely at the end of the
> truncated disk. But it seems that you are using CHS,
> not LBA addressing:
> hda: dma_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound },
> CHS=65530/15/61, sector=48737112
> and with CHS and 65531/16/63 it is clear that you cannot
> get beyond 66055248 sectors. Why are you using CHS?]

Whoops! My fault. I incorrectly modified ide-disk.c to report the correct
capacity by multiplying the logical geometry. I changed that now so it
actually updates the lba_capacity field and still leaves LBA enabled. The
drive still doesn't read past 66055248 sectors though.

But the error messages will be different, I suppose.

So I now removed my patch and am putting your patch onto the kernel.

I have no idea which patch you might be referring to.

My current understanding:

(i) The drive reports geometry 16383/16/63 and 80041248 sectors
(ii) With J46 jumper it reports 4092/16/63 and 80041248 sectors
(iii) After running JUMPON.EXE the report still is 16383/16/63 and 80041248.
(iv) After running JUMPON.EXE and with jumper it is 16383/16/63 and 66055248.

Now there is an unfortunate side effect of JUMPON.EXE + jumper on large
Maxtor disks, which is also a side effect of the jumper on large IBM disks,
namely that access of sector 66055248 and past fails with I/O errors.
However, MaxBlast succeeds in accessing all of the disk, so this is
still possible.

A guess:
Maybe what is done is effectively a SET MAX ADDRESS.
If that is true, a READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS (F8)
followed by a SET MAX ADDRESS (F9) should make the disk
accessible again.

In all cases, a READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS should give us
the actual size.

Do you think you can test this hypothesis?


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